
Change-log Updates

Change-log Updates

Let AI help you manage and communicate changelog updates efficiently.



Getting started

Keeping your users informed about the latest updates and improvements to your product is crucial for maintaining engagement and satisfaction. Regularly updating your changelog ensures transparency and helps users understand the value of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements.

However, manually crafting and distributing changelog updates can be a time-consuming task that diverts your focus from core product development.

In this playbook, we'll show you how to streamline the process of creating and distributing changelog updates.

Step 1: What you'll need

  • You'll need access to Lancey's Merlin agent.

  • Connect to your product analytics, customer support, and CRM platform within Lancey's integration tab.

Get access to Lancey

Step 2: Setting up filters

Once Merlin is set up, it's able to make sense of your product data automatically. We'll leverage Merlin's ability to query, segment, and action for the next steps.

Effective changelog updates have a specific audience and purpose. So let's go ahead and define the type of users we want to notify about our latest product updates.

For example, you might be interested in notifying all users who have recently engaged with a specific feature and might benefit from the latest improvements.


Notify all users who have used the reporting feature in the last 30 days about the new enhancements to the reporting dashboard.

Merlin will do the tedious work of going through your data set, finding the users that match this condition, and give you a preview.

Step 3: Announcing Changelog Updates

Option 1: In-App Notifications

  • Action: Use in-app notifications to inform users about new features and improvements.

  • Implementation: Configure Merlin to send in-app messages to users when they log in or interact with relevant features.


Merlin, send an in-app notification to users of the reporting feature about the new dashboard enhancements.

Option 2: Dedicated Changelog Page

  • Action: Update a dedicated changelog page on your website or within your app.

  • Implementation: Use Merlin to automate updates to the changelog page with the latest features and improvements.


Merlin, update the changelog page with the latest product updates and enhancements.

By utilizing these methods, you can ensure that your changelog updates reach your users effectively, keeping them informed and engaged.

Wrapping up

And we're all done here! Get back to building great products. We also have other playbooks you can explore.

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© 2024 Lancey Software Inc. All rights reserved.

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